Main aim in developing Student Affairs Management System is to provide an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of college, but also to provide full functional reports to top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect of the college. The platform is built by multiple modules, each module has a certain independence. Student Affairs Management System is a software for keeping their information secure and make their management easier. We can write a message in this platform. Admin can send Message to the recipient who is the parents or guardian of the student .This platform contains Library management in which details of the books, books issued and books returned are taken into account.
The Student Affairs Management System is an automated version of manual student details. The platform Student Affairs Management System can be used to manage the data of all type of educational institutes. The system uses VB. NET framework Technology. Library module are designed to manage the movement of books and maintain records of the members in a student library. The software solution is designed based on the system requirements, the people involved, the content of the operation and the activity to be performed.Message module provides facility to send messages for the respected student’s parents/guardians about the activities. The College Management System is an automated version of manual Student Management System. It can handle all details about a student. The details include Admission, Fees, Student details, Search student, Individual student details, Remove student,Sending Messages, Library, Student Mark report, Attendance sheet, Exit system. The system can be used to manage the data of all type of educational institutes. It will support both stand alone and also networking environment. The system uses VB. NET framework Technology. The concept of front end has been chosen to develop this software using Microsoft Visual Studio. The concept of back end has been chosen to develop this software as this suits the DBMS architecture to its full potential. SQL server 2014 has been chose at backend.
The platform provides services for management in activities like new admission, fees details and login access for teachers, library management, and other aspects, and also provides a set of efficient management solutions for college administrators. This platform also provides facility to send messages for the respected student’s parents/guardians about the activities. The practice results show that the platform reduces the error rate in the process of information collection and improves the efficiency of management processing. The data of the books in the library are taken into account and managed. The main objective of the existing system is to provide a user-friendly interface.
A. Overall structure of the platform
The system, which is proposed, now computerizes all the details that are maintained manually. Once the details are fed into the computer there is no need for various persons to deal with separate sections. Only a single person is enough to maintain all the reports. The security can also be given as per the requirement of the user .Large volumes of data can be stored with case, Maintenance of file is flexible. Records stored are updated now and then. Stored data and procedures can be easily edited. Reports can be generated with case. Accurate calculations are made. Less manpower required.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a Admin and the computer. It is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the eventually presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and messages is called a dialogue. The main aim for developing this module is to provide all the functionality related to student. This New Admission module is the main module in this project which has been developed on Visual Basic and SQL Server. It tracks all the information and details of the student. Admin can perform each and every operations on data. The main aim for developing this module is provide all the functionality related to student. This New Admission module is the main module in this project College Management System which has been developed on Visual Basic and SQL Server. It tracks all the information and details of the student. This is a role based module where admin can perform each and every operations on data. Features of New Admission Module: Admin can add new student Admin can see the list of student detail Only admin can edit and update the record of the student Admin will be able to delete the records of the student
2. Fees
The main aim for developing this module is to manage the fees data wise. All fees will be managed by admin. Admin can see the list of all the fees and filter it according to the students.
Features of Fees Module :
Admin can manage the fees, Admin can edit/delete the fees, Admin can see the list of all fees. Fees Management System is capable of managing each and every data regarding student, payments etc. Student Management System helps us in managing in an extremely efficient way. This Student Fees Management System works in an efficient manner
3. Search and Remove Student
This module contains a strong search mechanism, which search for different ways as per the requirement of the user. It can search: Different student present in different department provides a full detail of all student. It also searches for the individual student details present for any required date. Admin also do this deletion operation for the student to the fore said updation and search process. If a student record is not required or if they are discontinued then admin can delete their records.
4. Sending Messages
This platform provides facility to send messages for the respected student’s parent or guardian about the activities. The SMS alert facility which aims at sending messages to parents about the absence of their children in college. This helps to convey the information to the respective people according to the situation. The messaging was adaptive in the sense that it became more intensive in the spring for families whose children had a greater number of absences in the fall. Using a rigorous research design, the study found that the messaging substantially reduced chronic absence among elementary school students, particularly those with a prior history of high absences.
5. Attendance Sheet
Attendance sheet is used to collect the data whether the student is present or absent in a particular class and the staffs maintain the attendance of the student. Each student attendance has been marked and the data is stored in the database for future reference. The absentees are marked and the information is sent to the respected parents or guardian via Message Module. Now a days we have web based attendance management system which is developed for maintaining daily attendance of students. It made easy to access the attendance information of a particular student. The information is stored by admins in the database which are provided by teacher of related subject. This module is helpful in evaluating the attendance eligibility of a student. Its purpose was to computerize the tradition way of taking attendance and generating of report.
6. Library Management
The Library Management System is an application for a assisting a librarian in managing a book library in a university. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update members, add/update books and manage the details of the books. Library management system is a typical management Information system (MIS).Library management has modules like books issued and books returned where books issued gives the details of the books that has been issued to the students. Whereas the books returned gives the details of the books that has been returned by the students to the library .It aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library .This project has many features which are generally not available in normal library management systems like facility of user login and a facility of admin login .It also has a facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system .While logging in, we can see list of books issued and its issue date and return date.
7. Student Mark report
Student Mark Report is used to generate the marks of a particular student of particular semester. It has Subject title, Obtained. Marks and grade is calculated according to the Obtained .Marks and finally Grade point average(GPA) is calculated for a student using the grade. The main aim of the project is to provide the examination result to the student in a simple and accurate way. The administrator can add edit and delete marks for the student. All the users can see the marks. The application will manage the information about various students enrolled in this course in different years, the marks obtained by the various students in various subjects in different semesters. It also provides a less time consuming process for viewing, adding, editing and deleting the marks of the students. The manual method of students’ academic result processing was found to be tedious, especially when carried out for a large number of students, this makes the entire process time-consuming and error prone. This project is useful for students and institutions for getting the results in simple manner. Student Mark Report provides the Cumulative Grade point average (CGPA) of a student by calculating all the eight semesters Grade point average(GPA)
Under the background of the management mode of the college system, we have designed and developed the student affairs management platform based on the management mode of the college system from the perspective of Internet application. We have tried to computerize various processes of Students affairs. It has been tested and achieved great results. Sending message to the parents greatly helps the parents to know about their child better and also helps in the growth the student.
It helps in collecting perfect management details. In a very short time, the collection will be obvious, simple and sensible. It will help a person to know the management of every year perfectly. It also helps in current works relative to College Management System. It will reduce the cost of collecting the management & collection procedure will go on smoothly. It also used in sending messages from college management to their respected parents or guardian about their academic details and status.
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