Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Nihar M. Ranjan
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.55207
Certificate: View Certificate
Emotion based text to speech conversion system will be proved as an improved version of traditional text to speech system. Emotions help us in recognizing the message conveyed by the conveyor in more effective way. ETTS (Emotion based text to speech conversion system) will stand out from TTS (Text to speech) as it will have variation of voice according to the emotions detected in the text. ETTS will detect four basic and most used emotions of humans. These emotions are ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘anger’, ‘neutral’. As ETTS will use RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) for identifying emotions, emotions will be identified with high accuracy. GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) model of recurrent neural network helps in maintaining the high accuracy of prediction. Emotion based text to speech system will be beneficial for educational purpose like listening stories from storytelling applications for young budding children. Emotion based text to speech is going to be serviceable for visually impaired individuals. It can also be used in robots for better communication.
Speech synthesis is the artificial production of a human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called as speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware products.
A text-to-speech (TTS) system converts normal language text into speech. Other system renders symbolic linguistic representations like phonetic transcriptions into speech but emotion-based text to speech system adds emotional touch to the speech which will enhance the user experience.
Sentiment analysis and semantic analysis are processes of analysing text and determining the emotional tone they possess. It uses NLP i.e., natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics and Neural Network. A basic task in sentiment analysis is classifying the polarity of a given text at the document, sentence, or feature/aspect level whether the expressed opinion in a document, a sentence or an entity feature/aspect is positive, negative, or neutral. Advanced, “beyond polarity” sentiment classification looks, for instance, at emotional states such as “angry”, “sad”, and “happy”.
A text-to-speech system (or “engine”) composed of two parts: a front-end and a back-end.
The front-end has a task to take text input from the user to process it into emotion-based speech.
At backend, it converts raw text containing symbols like numbers and abbreviations into the equivalent of written-out words. This phoneme or grapheme-to-phoneme conversion.
At backend, it converts raw text containing symbols like numbers and abbreviations into the equivalent of written-out words. This process is often called text normalization, pre-processing, or tokenization. It then assigns phonetic transcriptions to each word, and divides and marks the text into prosodic units, like phrases, clauses, and sentences.
The process of assigning phonetic transcriptions to words is called text-to-phoneme or grapheme-to-phoneme conversion.
Phonetic transcriptions and prosody information together make up the symbolic linguistic representation that is output by the back-end. The back-end often referred to as the synthesizer then converts the symbolic linguistic representation into sound. In certain systems, this part includes the computation of the target prosody (pitch contour, phoneme durations), which is then imposed on the output speech. For this process we are going to use recurrent neural network.
The above figure shows a basic overview of emotion-based text to speech system or it is a backbone of ETTS system till now. It consists of two blocks namely Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP). NLP mainly consists of converting text into specific forms for processing. Here text is converted into Phenomes, Diphones to analyse and extract the emotion, meaning behind the sentence. Digital signal Processing consists of algorithms, models used for creating speech with emotions. Some of the algorithms used are syllabification algorithm, corpus-based systems etc.
In a [4], the study of speech synthesizers is done. As there are different ways to perform Speech synthesis, we can use any model according to our need. But concatenative synthesis is the method which is most widely used, as it produces naturally sounding speech. There are three sub types of concatenative synthesis, viz. Domain specific synthesis, Unit selection synthesis and Diphone synthesis. Domain specific synthesis has small database as it has selected words used for utterance. Because of this, the speech sounds natural. But it is not used for general purpose synthesis. It is limited to particular device with specified number of words. Unit selection produces less natural sound. For unit selection recorded speeches are used. They are segments of various parameters as phones, diphones, syllables, words and many more parameters. The database used for unit selection is also huge. As digital signal processing (DSP) is used for sound generation, unit selection loses the naturalness in the sound. Diphone synthesis uses minimal speech database i.e., Contain each type of diphone in each word. During processing, all these diphones superimpose with each other and results into speech. But, Diphone produced more mechanized voice and has low natural sound due to high use of digital signal processing.
In a [5], the study of Berkeley speech technologies has been done about text to speech conversion. The brief knowledge about the sound/voice generation from human vocal tract is expressed. With the understanding of the mechanism human vocal tract and sound generation by human, using linear predictive coding (LPC) technique it becomes possible to record human speech in compressed forms on chips. A single speech sample can be generated using multiplication, division and addition cycles. In 1978, Texas Instruments developed a chip which can perform these cycles and produce human like voice but, it became difficult to add synthetic parameters. Mostly this voice is used in toys and playing cars. Since there are many linguistic parameters for speech generation which are sometimes limited by computational power and sometimes by us. We are still not able to understand how the sounds are generated. For converting text into speech there are number of parameters having many stages. First the text has to normalized, then there are some words which has different pronunciation, conversion of letters to phoneme, prosody rule, voice generation, interrupt driver and lastly output hardware.
In a [6], Few students find difficulty in reading text, so with the help of text to speech technology they will get help in reading text. People are now moving towards auto reading rather than reading any text by themselves. By Text to Speech Technology (TTST) people will start reading more text and ultimately generate interest for reading. TTST will be useful for children who find difficulty in reading. Ethnography means seeing and representing. TTST uses this method so that be useful in metacognitive development of students. The self- efficacy increased to 95% using TTST. Also, students start to first listen the word and understand its meaning and then while reading for second time emphasized more on fluency.
In a [2], Study of text is done as a syllable. Indian language text can be better segmented as syllable for speech generation. Generally, diphones are considered for breaking down the words. Syllable based synthesis does not require significant prosodic modification. Corpus based speech synthesis gives more natural speech as output with high quality. But database required for this is huge. As number of concatenations required for speech generation is less, which reduces use of DSP and gives natural sound. Hidden Semi-Markov model (HSMMs) is much better than standard HSMM. Because semi Markov model is trained on speech data recorded at normal and fast speaking rate.
In a [9], the paper describes the methods of emotion detection and different datasets used for training model. There are two types of emotion modes, viz. Discrete Emotion Models (DEMs) and Dimensional Emotion Models (DiEMs). In DEMs emotions are placed in distinct classes or categories. In DiEMs emotions are placed in a spatial space like one-dimensional or multidimensional.
ETTS (Emotion Based Text to Speech System) is more than TTS, as it will concentrate on emotions expressed through the text. All this process will happen with the help of GRU Layer and RNN algorithm.
Dataset: - We have created a dataset by combining three datasets.
They are: -
a. dailydialog
b. emotion-stimulus
c. isear
d. It is a training dataset which we are going to use to train the data. We created our own data by choosing data from given dataset in below table.
e. We split the created dataset into two datasets for training (8987 rows) and for testing(4768 rows).
f. This training dataset consist more than 8900 lines of sentences and testing dataset consist more than 4700 lines of sentences having 4 basic emotions as ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’, ‘neutral’.
In ETTS we are going to use Recurrent Neural Network to analyse the sentiments and semantics of a sentence or paragraph. Recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of neural networks that is helpful in modelling sequence data. Derived from feed forward networks, RNNs exhibit similar behaviour to how human brains function. As recurrent neural network keeps relation between previous word and next word it is going to be useful in analysing the actual emotion expressed in a sentence. We have divided our working of project in five parts-
Model has four layers that help in processing the text and identifying emotions.
In input layer of ETTS we have used a pretrained model named Word2Vec. Word2vec is a technique for natural language processing. The word2vec algorithm uses a neural network model to learn word associations from a large corpus of text. Once trained, such a model can detect synonymous words or suggest additional words for a partial sentence. As the name implies, word2vec represents each distinct word with a particular list of numbers called a vector. The vectors are chosen carefully such that a simple mathematical function (the cosine similarity between the vectors) indicates the level of semantic similarity between the words represented by those vectors.
Bidirectional GRU’s are a type of bidirectional recurrent neural networks with only the input and forget gates. It allows for the use of information from both previous time steps and later time steps to make predictions about the current state.
Our model is able to classify text with an accuracy of 86.77% on combined Dataset. The model is able to classify text on the basis of four classes ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry; and ‘neutral’. Using word embedding along with Recurrent Neural Network helped in maintaining the correlations between the words. With the help of neural network, we find the correlation between the words in the sentence and understand the meaning and emotions present in them. Neural network helped in classifying data for sentiment and semantic analysis. By implementing our proposed method, we will be able to convert text into emotion-based speech which can be used in story telling applications, Audio books and it will be more helpful for visually impaired individual for analysing emotions from any text.
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Copyright © 2023 Nihar M. Ranjan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET55207
Publish Date : 2023-08-06
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here