The essential and formalized definition of the potential of the territory is substantiated, the innovative component in the unity of the “subject-process-object” approach to its essential content and performance assessment is singled out. A system of mechanisms and institutions for increasing the innovative potential of regions and territories has been developed, and the most effective directions for its use in the interests of spatial socio-economic development have been identified. Priority problems are identified, the solution of which can increase the effectiveness of the functioning of the territory. These problems were also reflected in the solutions at the Gaidar (2015) International Economic Forum in Moscow and at the representative XII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, as evidenced by the analysis of some speeches at the forums presented in this article. The change in the priorities of innovative development of the countries of the world in the second half of the 20th century — the beginning of the 21st century is shown. The results of research and the practice of using innovative solutions for the development of individual teams and territories, the spatial arrangement of regions and the Russian Federation as a whole have been studied and summarized. The development of the territory and its potential depends on many factors, however, in the current conditions, the increasing role of knowledge, intellectual resources, as well as the involvement of the population in the management process through the development and implementation of various programs and projects, is beginning to play an increasing role. The positive aspects of using business projects as the main mechanism for implementing programs and plans using market institutions of public-private partnership (PPP) are analyzed. The role of collectives and the population in increasing innovative activity and systemic development of territories is assessed.
In the conditions of systemic globalization of national economies, most of the economic reforms in the country (the formation of a knowledge economy, the creation of an information society, the expansion of the innovation space) are being redirected from the federal to the regional and municipal levels. In this regard, it is not enough just to form a theoretical basis and highlight socially significant priorities for the development of the federal level, it is fundamentally important to concretize and update traditional approaches to the use of institutions and mechanisms for coordinating the innovation policy of the federal center with opportunities and conditions (federal, mutually beneficial, planned or market, etc.) participation of regions and territories in the implementation of federal priorities. The issues of expanding the boundaries of the essential content of the processes of innovative development of economic entities, substantiating the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of multidirectional strategic priorities (programs, projects) for the development of territories of different levels and opportunities are discussed.
As a starting point for the theory of innovative development of territories, it is proposed to use the content of the potential of the territory, the possibilities of its innovative content and renewal, as well as to most systematically identify the main directions of its use by government agencies, business and the population of the territory. It is traditionally believed that the potential for innovative development of a territory can be defined as an integral set of natural-geographical, financial-economic, socio-psychological, socio-political, scientific and educational resources and opportunities for creating and using innovations in a certain territory; the readiness of the business community and the authorities of the territory to promptly introduce advanced developments, innovative products, services and technologies in production and management activities; the readiness of the authorities, business and the population of the territory to perceive and flexibly respond to innovative impulses of the internal and external environment, quickly adapting to the new conditions of management and management [1].
In modern conditions, the potential of the territory, as well as all other levels of the market economy, is increasingly beginning to be determined by the level of its innovative component, that is, the ability of a market agent, in accordance with the needs of the global and domestic market, to innovatively and with increasing efficiency use all available resources and capabilities of the territory. (natural, infrastructural, labor, historical, industrial, scientific and educational, etc.) in the interests of the systemic development of the territory and its population on an expanded basis. The implementation of the emerging pattern of global and national market development requires clarification of the very concept of “territory potential”.
The concept of “territory potential” is a capacious and dynamic category. Its main characteristics are seen, firstly, in the systemic association and connection within the framework of the territorial formation of all subjects with the allocation of innovatively active, engaged in innovative activities and generating innovative ideas and solutions. The more innovatively active business structures (large, medium, small, individual, state, municipal, foreign) operate on the territory, the more developed their cooperative ties and relations with scientific and creative organizations for the development, updating and use of innovative solutions, the higher ceteris paribus, the development potential of the territory. A positive impact on the innovative development of territories and regions is provided by innovatively oriented organizational events (regional, interregional, territorial) in the format of exhibitions, competitions and conferences on the problems of innovative development of the territory, on the use of best practices and its organizational and technical and technological transplantation into the current system. On the one hand, such measures, if properly organized, motivate the population, especially its most active part, to an innovation-oriented style of thinking and behavior, especially in the workplace and in production teams. On the other hand, such initiatives inevitably involve activists and entire organizations from neighboring territories, which enhances the processes of diffusion of innovative ideas and solutions in the regional and Russian space. Having a synergistic effect, such events turn into real centers for generating innovative solutions and accelerated systemic renewal on the advanced scientific basis of the production, technological, organizational and managerial basis of the Russian economy [2-9]. Secondly, the innovative level of the potential of the territory is determined not only and even not so much by the number of innovatively oriented population, but by its ability, with reasonable “conduction” of these processes by power structures, to initiate and introduce new and more demanded by the market into production and (or) organizational and management processes. (price, quality, design, economy, demand) solutions and ideas. In essence, we are talking about the most topical problem for the Russian reality - the introduction of innovative ideas and scientific developments into real production, infrastructure, organizational and management processes. By defining the concept of “territory potential”, assessing the growing importance of its innovative component and identifying ongoing innovative failures in production, organizational and managerial, scientific and educational activities, we tried to draw the attention of the Russian public to the existing opportunities for systemic development and determine priority areas for development. Systematic and oriented towards achieving a socially significant end result is understood by us as such a type (model, variant, scenario) of sustainable and socially oriented reproduction of the total social product, in which all authorities, financial, manufacturing and other companies of different forms of ownership and specialization fully participate , the majority of the Russian population. We can discuss the pros and cons of each approach (national, regional, territorial, local) to the forms and methods of increasing the innovative activity of the Russian society and forming its truly “smart” economy for a long time, and we will achieve little by this. If, bit by bit and slowly, leaving discussions and disputes, we begin to bring the national innovation system to a working state, restoring the systems of education, healthcare and science on an innovative basis, if not for the sake of politics, but rooting for the cause, we ourselves and by our own example will begin to connect to the innovation process, most of the resources and the Russian population, if the whole world does not allow certain categories of "our" citizens to "grab" the results of social activity, then we will succeed.
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