It is very difficult to calculate and analyze with precision the thermal behavior of the different materials attached. The study of composite material\'s thermal behavior is useful for the determination of heat flux, temperature distribution, heat flow rate, and thermal conductivity. These composite materials can be implemented in many applications such as thermal ventilations, Insulators, metallic multiwall thermal protection systems, etc. In this study, we are going to analyze the thermal behavior of four composites. For finding heat flux, temperature distribution, heat flow rate, and thermal conductivity the finite element program method ANSYS is used.
The experimental test is carried out for heat flux, temperature distribution, heat flow rate, and thermal conductivity of composite materials. Experimental Results are compared with the finite element ANSYS results and the validation is done.
A composite (or composite material) is defined as a material that consists of at least two constituents (distinct phases or combinations of phases) that are bonded together along the interface in the composite, each of which originates from a separate material that pre-exists the composite. Heat is a form of energy in transit due to temperature differences. Heat transfer is the transmission of energy from one region to another region as a result of temperature differences between them. Whenever there is a temperature difference in a medium so within a media, heat transfer must occur. The amount of heat transferred per unit of time is called the heat transfer rate and is denoted by Q. The heat transfer rate h as unit J/s which is equivalent to watt. When the rate of heat transfer Q is available, then the total amount of heat energy transferred ΔU during a time interval Δt can be obtained.
?U=0?tQdt=Q?t (Joule)
The rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to the direction of heat flow is called heat flux and is expressed as, q=Q/A.
A lot of research is going on to study the heat transfer through composite. The research papers dealing with the thermal analysis of composite have been studied. Some of the research papers reviews are given below:
J. Raymond, et, studied thermal and ventilation performance in composite walls in traditional wood frame single houses. For a standard composite wall, the channel width and its surface emissivity are varied and their effect on the overall performance is evaluated. There is no optimum width to minimize heat transfer or to maximize the humidity transport.
Wei Chen explained heat transfer and flow in a composite solar wall with a porous absorber. The excess heat is stored in the porous absorber and wall by the incident solar radiation and there is a temperature gradient in the porous layer. Therefore, the porous absorber works as a thermal insulator to a degree when no solar shining is available.
Abdulaziz Almujahid1, et al, studied the heat transfer across building wall systems is now a globally important research topic that bears wide consequences on energy consumption as well as conservation in buildings.
Patrick Glouannec et al studied an experimental and numerical design of an insulation wall for refrigerated vans. The thermo physical properties of the insulating multilayer panel, the external environment impact (solar irradiation, temperature, etc.), and durability are taken into account. Different tools are used to characterize the thermal performances of the insulation walls and the thermal properties of the insulation materials are measured. In addition, an experiment at the wall scale is carried out and a 2D FEM model of heat and mass transfer within the wall is formulated. Three configurations are studied with this design approach.
Multilayer insulation walls containing reflective multi-foil insulation, aerogel, and phase change materials (PCM) are tested. Promising results are obtained with these materials, especially the reduction of peak heat transfer and energy consumption during the daytime period. Furthermore, the major influence of solar irradiation is highlighted as it can increase the peak heat transfer crossing the insulation wall by up to 43%. Wei Chen explained heat transfer and flow in a composite solar wall with a porous absorber. The unsteady numerical simulation is employed to analyze the performance of the flow and temperature field in the composite solar wall. The excess heat is stored in the porous absorber and wall by the incident solar radiation and there is a temperature gradient in the porous layer. Therefore, the porous absorber works as a thermal insulator to a degree when no solar shining is available. The influence of the porosity within the porous absorber on the airflow in the porous absorber is significant.
In engineering applications, we deal with many problems. Heat Transfer through composite walls is one of them. It is the transport of energy between two or more bodies of different thermal conductivity arranged in series or parallel. For example, a fastener joining two mediums also acts as one of the layers between these mediums. Hence, the thermal conductivity of the fastener is also very much necessary in determining the overall heat transfer through the medium. A composite slab consists of a slab of three different materials which are MS, fiberglass, and brick for one composite and MS, Hylum, and Wood for another composite. Slabs & heating elements are circular in cross-section. The experimental setup consists of three disks of equal diameters but variable thickness arranged to form a slab of the same diameter and the heater was placed at one side of the composite wall. Three types of slabs are provided on the heater which forms a composite structure. A small hand-press frame was provided to ensure the perfect contact between the slabs. A dimmer stat was used for varying the input to the heater and the volt meter and ammeter readings were recorded. Thermocouples are placed between interfaces of the slabs, to read the temperature at the surface.
A. Composition of Materials
MS-Fiber Glass-Brick
MS-Wood-Fiber Glass
B. Specifications
Plate Dimensions:
Based on the analytical, finite element, and experimental investigation of the thermal behavior of different composites, it can be concluded that:
1) The results obtained from the proposed analytical method are in close approximation with the values obtained by FEM simulation using ANSYS.
2) The values obtained from the proposed analytical method are in close approximation with the values obtained from experimental values.
3) The study shows that the thermal conductivity of the composite material MS-Concrete-Fiber Glass is 0.0871MS-Fiber Glass-Brick is 0.0795 MS-Wood-Fiber Glass is 0.0817 &MS-Hylum-Wood is 0.0544
4) The study shows that the heat flow rate MS-Hylum-Wood is 5 MS-Concrete-Fiber Glass is 8MS-Fiber Glass-Brick is 7.3&MS-Wood-Fiber Glass is 7.5
5) The study shows that the Heat flux of composite material MS-Hylum-Wood is 70.08 MS-Concrete-Fiber Glass is 113.31 MS-Fiber Glass-Brick is 103.39&MS-Wood-Fiber Glass is 106.23
6) The temperature distribution of MS-Hylum-Wood is 23.05 MS-Concrete-Fiber Glass is 370.2MS-Fiber Glass-Brick is 29.49&MS-Wood-Fiber Glass is 32.05
7) It is seen that the Finite element method (FEM) can be gainfully employed for the determination of thermal behavior like heat flux, heat flow rate, and temperature distribution of all composite walls.
8) Then it can be concluded that the composite MS-Hylum-Wood shows lower heat flux, temperature distribution, heat flow rate, and thermal conductivity values than that of the other composites like MS-Concrete-Fiber Glass, MS-Fiber Glass-Brick &MS-Wood-Fiber Glass respectively.
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