Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Rutuja Jadhav, Prof. Priya D, Dr. Mamatha GS
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.45509
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This article presents the concept of reinforcement learning, which prepares a static direct approach for consistent control problems, and adjusts cutting-edge techniques for testing effectiveness in benchmark Mujoco locomotion tasks. This model was designed and developed to use the Mujoco Engine to track the movement of robotic structures and eliminate problems with assessment calculations using perceptron’s and random search algorithms. Here, the machine learning model is trained to make a series of decisions. The humanoid model is considered to be one of the most difficult and ongoing problems to solve by applying state-of-the-art RL technology. The field of machine learning has a great influence on the training model of the RL environment. Here we use random seed values to provide continuous input to achieve optimized results. The goal of this project is to use the Mujoco engine in a specific context to automatically determine the ideal behavior of the robot in an augmented reality environment. Enhanced random search was introduced to train linear guidelines for achieving the efficiency of Mujoco roaming tasks. The results of these models highlight the variability of the Mujoco benchmark task and lead to efficiently optimized rewards
Reinforcement learning provides a solution for continuous input dynamic models. The location description is that the AI ??model is ready to create a collection of decisions.
The head knows how to pack the lens into a defective, perhaps complex condition. When composing, you encounter a playful state of artificial thinking ability. Artificial science skills are rewarded or trained for the activities that item engineers perform to get their machines to do what they need. This paper uses a model-free reinforcement learning method to train agents' linear policies to achieve optimized rewards based on advanced random search algorithms [1]. To implement this task, a trained policy is executed to create an augmented reality environment where the agent chooses the best action based on the current state and gets the most reward.
The Augmented reality is one of the best technique which can be used in real world environment that will help to enhance the virtual visual components by combining all the elements for a person’s perception of real world. We use augmented reality to improve the way users visualize the robot's learning process.
This is because the user understands the AI ??training process and the robot's perception is the environment [2]. It is very clear that the process of manually designing a robot is a very rigorous effort for an engineer. Model-Free Reinforcement Learning (RL) aims to provide an off-the-shelf solution for controlling dynamic systems without the need for a model of system dynamics. Such methods have succeeded in creating RL agents that outperform human players in games such as video games and Go [20, 33]. While these results are impressive, model-free methods have not yet been successfully applied to control physical systems other than research demos. Unfortunately, the current trends in RL research conflict these obstacles [3]. Searching for sample-efficient methods (that is, methods that require little data) generally requires the development of increasingly complex methods. This increased complexity poses a reproducibility crisis [4]. Recent studies have shown that many RL methods are not robust to hyper parameter changes, random starting values, or different implementations of the same algorithm [12, 13].
In our work, agents use various linear policies as input to track their behavior in the environment [5]. The most popular continuous control benchmark is the Mujoco motion task [6], and the humanoid model is considered "one of the most difficult continuous control problems that can be solved with state-of-the-art RL technology [7] [8]. Reinforcement learning provides a solution for continuous control dynamic models.
Reinforcement learning is a machine learning training method based on rewarding desirable behaviors and / or punishing unwanted behaviors. In general, reinforcement learning agents can detect, interpret, perform actions, and learn through trial and error within the environment [9][10]. The world of agents is usually represented as a Markov decision process (MDP), 5 tuples . Where S is the set of states, A is the set of actions, T: S × A → Π (S) is the transition function that maps the action and the probability of moving to a new state given the current state, R. : S × A → R rewards the action in a given state, γ ∈ [0, 1). Discount factor. Consider an episode task that starts in the initial state s0 and starts a new episode when the agent reaches the stem in the final state [11]. At each interaction step, the agent observes its state and selects an action according to policy π: S → A.
The agent's goal is to learn the optimal strategy π ∗ to maximize the long-term expected total of discounted rewards [12][13]. One way to learn the optimal strategy is to learn the optimal behavioral value function Q ∗ (s, a). This shows the expected total discount reward for performing action a in state s and then executing the next strategy π :
Q ∗?s?a?= R?s?a?+γXs 0 T?s 0 | s?a?×maxa0Q ∗?s 0?a0?
The goal of the RL algorithm is to almost solve problem (1) by making as few calls to the environment as possible. The number of environmental queries required to solve problem (1) is called the complexity of the environment or the complexity of the sample [14]. The best trained controller should be able to capture the key features of motion in a low-dimensional model and transform it into a stable walking motion that works on the hardware [15][16][17].
Some important terms that describe the basic elements of the RL problem are:
To Design and develop the Reinforcement Learning model to train and track the locomotion of a RL agent using Mujoco engine to eliminate the issues faced in normal philosophy assessment calculations using random search algorithm. Such problems can be abstractly formulated as max
θ∈Rd Eξ [r(πθ, ξ)] ,
Note that the problem formulation (1) aims to optimize reward by directly optimizing over the policy parameters θ. We consider methods which explore in the parameter space rather than the action space. This choice renders RL training equivalent to derivative-free optimization with noisy function evaluations. One of the simplest and oldest optimization methods for derivative-free optimization is Augmented random search [18][19]. We are currently introducing augmented random search to extend the effective heuristics used in deep reinforcement learning. The main form of our technique is derived from basic random search. Augmented Random Search is a model free reinforcement learning a modified version of Basic Random Search Algorithm [20]. The basic idea behind reinforcement learning algorithms is to develop an algorithm that finds the best policy that can maximize agent rewards while applying that particular policy within the environment during an episode [21]. When maximizing the reward, it means that we are actually optimizing the process-we are trying to find the best value that gives the best result or the best objective function. In the ARS setup, agents learn from the environment, receive rewards based on their performance in the environment, and adjust weighted inputs in relation to the rewards received. As a result, the agent avoids repeating previous mistakes, but performs subsequent actions along with those lucrative rewarding actions, with the help of Perceptron[22]. The environment rewards each agent movement / action, while Perceptron chooses a total reward so that the weighted input can be adjusted. Perceptron-Takes input from the environment, applies some weights to it, sums it up, divides it by the standard deviation, and returns the output to the environment.
The Q-Learning method is used to learn the policies of a action taken for each particular state plotted in the above graph. The goal of the Q-Learning algorithm is to iteratively train the optimal Q values obtained after each action in RL environment and form a Q- Matrix to help agents at each step to take best actions to obtain positive feedback.
The fig 2 Represents the Tracking Locomotion system architecture using the RL project. The system architecture here describes the project flow and the components of the project. First, the project uses linear policies as input , here we are using policy based approach to obtain rewards i.e This approach finds the best policy for highest reward in future without using the value function and these policies are applied q-learning algorithm to learn the policies which forms a Q-matrix where the values are updated at each step for the action performed for a particular situation to get the efficiency path. The policy is trained with ARS and the agent takes action to predict the optimized reward by learning from its experience using trial and error method.For each good behavior or action the agent receives a positive feedback and for each bad behavior the agent will receive a negative feedback. So basically the agent is automatically learning from its experience and the feedbacks received from environment without the labelled data.
The agent interacts with environment and explores itself. The goal of this agent to improve its efficiency by learning from its mistake with the feedbacks received without human intervention [23].
As the training of policies progresses, random search in the parameter space of policies can lead to large variations in the rewards observed across iterations[24][25]. As a result, it is difficult to choose a fixed step-size α which does not allow harmful changes between large and small steps.
To address the large variations of the differences r(πM+νδ) − r(πM−νδ), we scale the update steps by the standard deviation σR of the 2N rewards collected at each iteration[26]. To understand the effect of scaling by σR, we plot standard deviations σR obtained during training a policy for the HalfCheetah-v1 model in Figure 1. The standard deviations σR have an increasing trend as training progresses.
This behavior occurs because perturbations of the policy weights at high rewards can cause HalfCheetah-v1 to fall early, yielding large variations in the rewards collected. Therefore, without scaling by σR, our method at iteration 300 would be taking steps which are a thousand times larger than in the beginning of training[27]. The same effect of scaling by σR could probably be obtained by tuning a step-size schedule. However, our goal was to minimize the amount of tuning required, and thus we opted for the scaling by the standard deviation[28][29].
A. Implementation Details
We implemented a parallel version of Algorithm using the Python library Ray. To avoid the computational bottleneck we used the Python Library Ray to perform the equivalent adaptation of the algorithm. Maintain a strategic distance to the computational barrier δ of stimulus transmission. Our code sets the random seeds for the random generators of all the workers and for all copies of the OpenAI Gym environments held by the workers [30]. All these random seeds are distinct and are a function of a single integer to which we refer as the random seed. Furthermore, we made sure that the states and rewards produced during the evaluation rollouts were not used in any form during training. Open AI Gym offers a unique Mujoco exercise benchmark reward capacity [31]. We used these reward features to evaluate the display of direct orders generated by the default enhanced random search.
B. Results on the MuJoCo locomotion Tasks
We evaluate the performance of ARS on MuJoCo roaming tasks included in OpenAI Gym v0.9.3. OpenAI Gym provides benchmark reward features for various MuJoCo locomotion tasks [32]. We used these standard reward functions to evaluate the performance of ARS-trained linear policies. The reported premiums received by the policy were the average of over 100 independent rollouts.
Fig 4 shows the simulation behavior of the HalfCheetah-v1 agent. The value approximation-based method does not work because the half-cheetah model uses a continuous action space instead of a discrete action space. Also Value functions usually need to use argmax to determine the best policy [33]. This makes working with continuous action spaces very unrealistic because it requires discretization of the action space. Therefore, we use the policy gradient method as the algorithm of choice
We attempted to find the simplest model-free RL algorithm that works well with the continuous control benchmarks used in the RL literature [34]. Several algorithm extensions have shown that advanced random searches can be used to train linear guidelines to achieve state-of-the-art sampling efficiency in MuJoCo motion tasks. We have shown that the linear policy matches the performance of a complex neural network policy and can be found with a simple algorithm [35][36]. We have observed that the simplicity of the algorithms and guidelines allows us to perform extensive sensitivity studies and that our method can often find good solutions to strongly non-convex problems. We have shown that direct strategies can coordinate the execution of complex nervous system strategies and can be found with simple calculations [37]. Since it is based on calculations and strategies, we have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of suggestive reasoning, and that our method can find excellent answers to very non-convex problems for a very long time to discover [38][39][40]. Our results emphasize the high variance intrinsic to the training of policies for Mujoco RL tasks. Evaluation on small numbers of random seeds does not capture performance adequately due to high variance.
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Copyright © 2022 Rutuja Jadhav, Prof. Priya D, Dr. Mamatha GS. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET45509
Publish Date : 2022-07-10
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here