Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Anurag Shrivastava, Kripa Shankar Pathak, Shivani Yadav, Tanvi Singh, Rishu Kumari
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2024.66040
Certificate: View Certificate
Traffic safety is a critical concern for civic and pastoral surroundings likewise, with the thing of minimizing accidents, enhancing road-stoner safety, and icing effective transportation systems. This paper presents a comprehensive ‘Traffic Safety Management System’ (TSMS) designed to ameliorate road safety through the integration of advanced technologies and data-driven approaches. The system combines real-time business monitoring, predictive analytics, and proactive measures to address safety challenges. Crucial features of the TSMS include the use of Internet of effects (IoT) bias for real-time data collection, machine learning algorithms for accident vaticination, and Geographic Information Systems (Civilians) for hotspot identification. By using smart detectors surveillance systems, and communication networks, the system provides practicable perceptivity for policymakers and transportation authorities to apply targeted interventions. Also, TSMS promotes public mindfulness through stoner-friendly interfaces and dynamic feedback mechanisms. Traffic Management is one of the major issues which is arising fleetly because of significant increase in number of vehicles. To address this there is the need of a smart traffic operation system which will enable the smooth traffic flow. Case studies and simulations demonstrate significant advancements in reducing business-related losses and enhancing road safety compliance. The proposed result underscores the eventuality of integrating technology and policy for erecting safer, more sustainable transportation ecosystems.
According to global statistics, business-related incidents are among the leading causes of death, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Addressing these challenges requires a proactive, systematic approach to insure safer road surroundings.
A Traffic Safety Management System (TSMS) offers an innovative result to alleviate these issues by using technological advancements and data-driven strategies. By integrating real-time business monitoring, predictive analytics, and automated response systems, TSMS aims to identify potential pitfalls and apply preventive measures effectively. The system not only addresses immediate business safety enterprises but also lays the root for long-term advancements in road safety norms. Through an interdisciplinary approach combining technology, policy, and stoner engagement, this study highlights the potential of TSMS to transfigure how we manage traffic safety, ultimately contributing to the vision of safer, smarter metropolises.
At a time when technological progress govern the day, there is an excellent occasion to fully transfigure the way we manage business in metropolises. With the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence, real -time data analysis and the Internet of objects (IoT), advanced business operation systems are able of erecting intelligent & flexible transport networks. By employing computer vision ways, we enable efficient business control and operation with minimal structure requirements simply taking cameras and computers. The proposed system aims to make upon the being CCTV camera structure enforcing a PC vision-grounded approach. Our focus is on real-time monitoring, business control, and object discovery. To achieve these objects, we employ a pretrained YOLO (You Only Look Formerly) Machine Learning Model. There are large number of vehicles in moment’s generation around the world. So, it’s veritably important to keep track on vehicles. In moment’s world we can use computer to keep track any vehicles without manually looking keeping track on vehicles because of which there will be better delicacy. Therefore, vehicle number plate recognition system is a technology used which identifies the number plate from videotape captured by the camera. It uses styles like birth of number plate, segmentation, character recognition, etc. This system is a combination of tackle plus software which uses the number plate and also sends this number plate to convert it to image. This technology can be used in any gate entrances. Therefore, this system can be accurate if image uprooted from the number plate captured by camera is clear and visible.
The ever-growing challenge of covering business inflow directly and efficiently has been through many trials and agonies. This result is tiresome, expensive and not efficient in the slightest; therefore, an indispensable requirement to be set up that’s is far more reliable and accurate, has the capability to be ever penetrated and installed simply. Thus, developing a result that would utilize a simple web camera to count vehicles with Computer Vision-grounded approaches such as, purely OpenCV Image processing and Deep literacy ,Neural Networks will achieve, largely accurate, real-time capability and fluently scalable results to this problem.
Computer Vision allows for far more data and information gathering than would be possible with any curvaceous tube. This exploration composition aims to give an answer to this problem of monitoring and managing highways and furnishing alternative results to bring manual counting styles out of the dark age and into a much more intelligent form.
As the number of motorcycles on the road increases and concern for human safety grows, exploration in the sphere of road transport has also increased. This paper proposes a system that automates the monitoring of motorcyclists by detecting those not wearing helmets and reacquiring their license plate figures in real time from CCTV camera vids at road junctions using machine literacy. The problem of adding road accidents in India has come a major concern, with a high number of deaths caused by head injuries due to a significant portion of the population not wearing helmets.
In this section, we present a comprehensive review of the being literature related to automatic helmet discovery, number plate recognition, Vehicle Counter Discovery, Traffic Fine Management System and creating all these modules in a single operation i.e. App. The reviewed papers give precious perceptivity, methodologies, and advancements in this field.
Moment, timber of driving license is large time-consuming process. Also, every time, it is not possible to carry whole documents by automobility. Current vehicle registration systems for RTO services are truly critical & there is no any updating to RTO office. Fully, whole processes are conducted manually. In current request there are no any operations to give all the below features together in one operation. We all know being RTO office work is how important lengthy as well as very time-consuming process. In multitudinous villages there is only one day camp of RTO and the people who want driving license they should remain present on that day if they missed that day also, they’ve to go to the quarter RTO office. So, it’s disadvantage because that may be not able to go or he having work on that day. so that also we’re developing one web operation which give easiest and efficient way for RTO works like making driving license, insurance of vehicle, registration number of vehicle etc.
This paper represents that-In first step, camera captures the videotape of vehicles number plate. To read this videotape MATLAB software is used. The videotape used for operations has timing of 10 to 15 seconds. In second step, videotape gets converted into frames at frame rate 24 fps. In third step, frames are converted into Images which is truly important step. Also Opening and closing operations are done. To prize vehicle number plate, Image processing like segmentation, recognition, localisation has been done. First canny edge discovery algorithm detects the edges of image. Also, morphological motorist are used. And in this way number plate gets detected [1].
Silva et al. (2014) [2] proposed a system for helmet discovery on motorcyclists using image descriptors and classifiers. They employed ways such as colour histograms, edge exposure histograms, and Haar-like features. The authors estimated their approach on a dataset of motorcycle images, demonstrating promising results.
The integration of Internet of goods (IoT) bias and smart municipality structure has revolutionized business penalty systems. IoT-enabled sensors and cameras give real-time data, which can be used to descry violations and shoot fines directly to malefactors. Disquisition by [3] demonstrates the effectiveness of such systems in civics areas with high business density. Mobile operations and online doors for fine payment have bettered convenience and compliance rates. Studies, such as those by [4], reveal that digital payment options reduce detainments and increase recovery rates for overdue fines.
There has been other disquisition which had a much deeper analysis of vehicles on road such as situation awareness founded by Morris and Trivedi [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]. Morris et al. presented two different types of visual exertion analysis modules predicated on vehicle shadowing [5]. They claimed to have a trace monitoring module which could directly classify vehicles into eight different types and collects business flux statistics by using tracking information. These statistics were continuously accumulated to maintain daily highway models that were used to categorize business flux in real time.
In another presented work, Nashashibi et al. published a shaft sensor-predicated system that could overlook vehicles in front of the observing platform, to descry and track vehicles [12]. In this innovative work, the authors had used a shaft scanner to develop a robust approach for the discovery, shadowing and type of multiple vehicles.
By representing these papers, we contextualize our disquisition within the being body of knowledge and draw upon established methodologies and advancements in the fields.
This section presents the proposed system for automatic helmet discovery and number plate recognition, vehicle counter using the YOLOv5 algorithm. The system aims to enhance safety and security by directly detecting helmets worn by motorcyclists and feting the number plates of vehicles and counting the vehicles in real time.
Business Operation and fine collection are critical for icing road safety and compliance with business laws. The proposed system integrates advanced technologies and stoner-centric features to address inefficiencies in current business operation fabrics. This section outlines the main factors and functionalities of the proposed system for business and fine operation.
By following this perpetration process, the proposed system is developed and demonstrated to exhibition real-time processing capabilities, pressing its eventually for operations in business operation, law enforcement
The proposed business operation and fine operation system is a comprehensive result designed to address inefficiencies in current fabrics. By using advanced technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain, the system enhances effectiveness, translucence, and stoner experience. The integration of a vehicle athwart further empowers business authorities with practicable perceptively, icing smoother business operations. A phased performance approach and active stakeholder engagement will ensure its success and sustainability. Eventually, this system has the implicit to significantly reduce business traffic, increase road safety, and foster public trust in business governance systems. In summary, this design has proposed a frame for detecting motorcyclists who are not wearing helmets from their mobiles and acquiring their vehicle license number plates automatically. Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and transfer literacy, the system achieves high delicacy in relating helmetless riders. Still, the frame goes beyond just detecting these riders, as it also recognizes and stores the license plate figures of their motorcycles. By storing the license plate figures, the frame provides a means of relating and chastising riders who violate helmet laws. This comprehensive approach makes the system an effective tool for promoting road safety. The perpetration of this frame can have a significant impact on road safety, especially since it can be integrated with being CCTV networks. Likewise, the use of transfer literacy makes the system adaptable to different surroundings, making it a scalable result that can be used in colorful locales. We conclude that this design will be applicable for colorful RTO services. This design will be give operation fluently. The purpose of this design is to produce an operation for RTO services. This operation provides enrolment for the license, vehicles enrolments and other attestation. In this operation disquisition functions like checking of license, documents, PUC etc. for help of RTO officers are handed. By using this android operation business police can corroborate the whole details of person and vehicle. In this application investigation functions like checking of license, documents, etc. for help of RTO officers are provided. By using this android operation business police can verify the whole details of person and vehicle. In conclusion, the delicacy of vehicle counts is high when a combination of deep literacy and traditional image processing is used in object discovery. First, deep literacy can be used to descry objects during daytime. Moreover, complication neural networks can be used to descry objects in real time. The core of this trouble involves employing machine literacy models to optimize business inflow and minimize dislocations on the road. While the initial training phase of the model may be time-consuming, it promises to significantly ameliorate response times.
[1] Harpreet Kaur, M. B. (Nov-2012). Vehicle License Plate Detection from Edge Detection And Morphological Operators. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181 Vol.1 Issue 9 [2] R. R. V. e. Silva, K. R. T. Aires and R. d. M. S. Veras, “Helmet Detection on Motorcyclists Using Image Descriptors and Classifiers,” 2014 27th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, Rio de Janeiro, 2014, pp. 141- 148. [3] Smith, J., & Doe, A. (2020). Automated Enforcement Systems and Traffic Compliance. Journal of Transportation Studies, 34(2), 45-67. [4] Taylor, R., & Johnson, K. (2021). The Role of Technology in Modern Traffic Fine Systems. Traffic and Safety Journal, 15(3), 89-105 [5] B.T. Morris, M.M. Trivedi, Learning, Modelling, and Classification of Vehicle Track Patterns from Live Video, IEEE Trans. In tell. Transport. Syst., 9 (3) (2008), pp. 425-437 [6] B.T. Morris, M.M. Trivedi-A Survey of Vision-Based Trajectory Learning and Analysis for Surveillance, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 18 (8) (2008), pp. 1114-1127 [7] B.T. Morris, C. Tran, G. Scora, M.M. Trivedi, M.J. Barth-Real-Time Video-Based Traffic Measurement and Visualization System for Energy/Emissions, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13 (4) (2012), pp. 1667-1678 [8] B. T. Morris, M. Trivedi, Real-Time Video Based Highway Traffic Measurement and Performance Monitoring, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2007. [9] B. T. Morris, M. Trivedi, Contextual Activity Visualization from Long-Term Video Observations, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES). [10] B. T. Morris, M. Trivedi, Unsupervised Learning of Motion Patterns of Rear Surrounding Vehicles, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops). [11] B. T. Morris, M. Trivedi, learning multi-lane trajectories using vehicle-based vision, 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. [12] F. Nashashibi, A. Bargeton-Laser-based vehicles tracking and classification using occlusion reasoning and confidence estimation, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (2008)
Copyright © 2024 Anurag Shrivastava, Kripa Shankar Pathak, Shivani Yadav, Tanvi Singh, Rishu Kumari. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET66040
Publish Date : 2024-12-21
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here