The transcendental equations\' non-zero positive real roots can be found using a new approach presented in this research. The proposed approach is based on the union of the Newton-Raphson method and the inverse tan(x) function. To ensure the method\'s applicability, it is implemented in MATLAB and applied to various issues. The suggested approach is evaluated on a variety of numerical instances, the results show that our approaches are superior and more efficient than widely used methods. For both the new proposed method and the currently accessible existing methods, error calculations have been made. When compared to well-known procedures, the mistakes were quickly minimised, and the genuine root was discovered in fewer repetitions. The proposed method\'s convergence is studied, and it is demonstrated that it reduces to the quadratic convergent Newton-Raphson method. This method will also assist in the production of a non-zero real root of a specified nonlinear equation in the commercial software (transcendental, algebraic, and exponential).
Numerous engineering design fields, including circuit analysis, analysis of state equations for a real gas, mechanical motions/oscillations, weather forecasting, optimization, and tracking of sustainable photovoltaic energy generation, are heavily dependent on root finding methods. Other examples include computing gradient retention times in liquid chromatography, tracking of photovoltaic energy generation, tracking of mechanical motions/oscillations, and forecasting weather. In discrete stochastic arithmetic (DSA), root finding techniques can also be used to test the class of multi-step iterative approaches and identify the best numerical solution to non-linear equations.
In order to accomplish effective iterative approaches, Gemechu used derivative estimations up to the third order (in root discovery, some new initiatives) in Taylor's approximation of a non-linear function/equation. Investigated are effective approaches of higher order for resolving simple roots of nonlinear equations that enhance the convergence of several fundamentally established methods. In [1], the library for Control of Accuracy and Debugging for Numerical Applications (CADNA) is used. Using this method, the ideal solution with the ideal precision and the ideal amount of iterations are discovered. In this instance, a new criterion that is independent of the provided tolerance is used to substitute the iterative procedure's customary halting termination, allowing the computation of the best results. In [2], Kwasinski and Chun investigated the use of traditional mathematical root-finding optimization techniques for photovoltaic (PV) systems' maximum power point tracking (MPPT). Due to the fact that in this study these approaches are digitally implemented, difficulties in digitally implementing a method that was originally based on a continuous domain are also explored. This study specifically addresses inherent digital process defects, such as algorithm numerical stability, quantization error, and discretization error analysis, which have received less attention in earlier MPPT papers.
Using root-finding techniques, Lopez-Ure'na et al. [6] improved the computation of gradient retention durations in liquid chromatography. The fundamental equation of gradient elution, an integral equation that can only be solved analytically for specific combinations of the retention model and gradient programme, was solved by the authors using this method. Numerical integration is a universal method that can be used to get around this restriction, but it comes at a cost of higher computation times. The author of [10] suggests a straightforward methodology to create Newton iteration formulae of arbitrary order, starting from the widely used quadratically convergent Newton-Raphson method and the conventional linearly convergent fixed point iteration method. It is also demonstrated that the general case can be used to reproduce well-known versions like Halley's method or Haouseholder's high order methods.
The majority of engineering and scientific issues are formulated as non-linear transcendental equations, whose root evaluation is more challenging. Such non-linear equations are involved in a number of physical issues, including the van der Waal equation, the decay equation, the earthquake Richter scale, and the surface wave formula. Mahesh et al. presented a quadratic convergent iterative method in [7] that is highly effective at finding the roots of non-linear equations and rapidly reduces error. For the purpose of locating the roots of non-linear equations, Noor [9] presented a two-step iterative method. This method outperforms Newton method and other one-step iterative methods. A new family of iterative methods for solving non-linear equations employing a system of coupled equations and the decomposition approach [8] was also proposed and examined by him.
Thank you to T.Priyadharshini Assistant Professor in Department Mathematica at Dr.SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science who has supported this research.
The suggested work establishes that the bisection, regula-falsi, and secant methods are not as effective as the primacy for estimating the root of a given transcendental function. The act has been demonstrated using conventional numerical examples. The combined use of the Newton-Raphson method and the inverse tan series forms the basis of the suggested approach. The proposed method\'s rate of convergence is examined and determined to be quadratic. The proposed method is implemented using Matlab programming. Overall, compared to the previously used conventional approaches, the proposed method executes more faster and with greater accuracy to the exact solution. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the class of multi-step iterative methods can both be solved numerically using this suggested methodology in discrete stochastic arithmetic (DSA). This approach can also be used to identify potential flaws in digital processes such as quantization, concretization, and algorithm numerical stability issues.
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