Twitter produces a massive amount of data due to its popularity that is one of the reasons underlying big data problems. One of those problems is the classification of tweets due to use of sophisticated and complex language, which makes the current tools in- sufficient. We present our framework HTwitt, built on top of the Hadoop ecosystem, which consists of a MapReduce algorithm and a set of machine learning techniques embedded within a big data analytics platform to efficiently address the following problems.
Nowadays, people from all around the world use social media sites to share information. Twitter for example is a platform in which users send, read posts known as ‘tweets’ and interact with different communities. Users share their daily lives, post their opinions on everything such as brands and places. Companies can benefit from this massive platform by collecting data related to opinions on them. The aim of this system is to present a model that can perform sentiment analysis of real data collected from Twitter. Data in Twitter is highly unstructured which makes it difficult to analyse. Online social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram allow users to communicate with the whole world. Write their own opinions about products or share their moments, even influence politics and companies. Twitter for example, al- most every huge company has an account on Twitter to know about their customers' feedback about their services or products. Sentiment analysis, known as opinion mining, for classifying specific words.
Analysis is a technique widely used in text mining. Twitter Sentiment Analysis, therefore means, using advanced text mining techniques to analyse the sentiment of the text (here, tweet) in the form of positive, negative and neutral.
The framework will accept both structure and unstructured data. And so, with machine learning, this method can improve the accuracy of prediction. The limitations faced are the lack of information and research about the symptoms of disease.
Exporting the dataset into the desirable format is one more setback we have to face. The proper user input query must be checked before dealing with processing.
“TWITTER DATA VISUALIZATION \'\' is presented that is implemented using simple programming concepts of Python and JavaScript. Twitter Analyzer is capable of finding out the top ten trending hashtags and users at any given point in time and plotting them against their frequency using a bar graph. The model explained here can be extended to improve user experience, provide additional functionalities and optimize processing power. Machine Learning techniques are simpler and efficient than Symbolic techniques. These techniques can be applied for twitter sentiment analysis. Classification accuracy of the feature vector is tested using different classifiers like Naive Bayes, SVM, Maximum Entropy and Ensemble classifiers. All these classifiers have almost similar accuracy for the new feature vector.
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