Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Aishwarya Pardeshi, Shreya Sunil, Yash Kakde, Himaja Namala
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.47264
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Vehicle routing is the design and assignment of routes to vehicles according to different constraints such as travel time, length of route, etc.The objective of the vehicle routing is to minimize the total route cost. Because you want to minimize costs spent on traveling, you want to find out the most efficient route, one that will require the least amount of traveling. Our goal is to use machine learning to forecast travel times between each two locations and then use the genetic algorithm to find the best route for a person to travel. We can apply machine learning to anticipate journey times between each two sites and the genetic algorithm to discover the ideal delivery truck travel schedule. Genetic algorithms (GA) are an intriguing way to solve issues involving search and optimization. For more complex situations, little has been done to provide a step-by-step implementation of a GA in Python.
The ”Traveling Salesman Problem” is abbreviated as TSP. It’s an NP-hard combinatorial problem. The problem involves a salesperson and a number of communities. Starting from a certain location (for example, a head office), the salesman must travel across all of the cities before returning to the starting city. The purpose of this task is to lower the overall distance travelled by the salesman. The following is a mathematical representation of the travelling salesman problem.
The Traveling Salesman Problem is solved using a genetic algorithm in this research paper. A genetic algorithm is a method for estimating computer models that is based on approaches derived from the area of biology’s genetics. To employ this method, one must first encode potential model behaviours into ”genes.” The current models are graded and permitted to mate and reproduce based on their fitness after each generation. The genes are transferred during mating, and crossings and mutations can occur. The present population is eliminated, and the kids of the current population become the next generation. Genetic Algorithm also encompasses a wide range of modelling and optimization approaches. The thing being modelled is usually represented in a way that is simple to change automatically. The data is then used to produce a huge number of candidate models, which are then evaluated against it. The ”best” models are kept for the following generation once each model is assessed. The procedure is then repeated until the models are in agreement (as in asexual reproduction). If the model is created in such a manner that the victors have ”genes,” they can ”mate” to generate the following generation. These methods are examined in conjunction with the Travel- ing Salesman Problem(TSP). The Problem’s goal is to identify the quickest route for a travelling salesperson who must start from his home city and visit each location on a list exactly once before returning home. The biggest challenge with this topic is the enormous number of potential tours: (n-2)! /2 for n cities. Probabilistic search methods that replicate natural evolution are known as evolutionary algorithms.
In the genetic algorithm, there are many parameters needing to be set in advance. To figure out the effects of parameters in GA, Chutian Sun et al. [1] conducted experiments with different parameters and compared the performance.
Anuj Kumar et al. [2] In this work for population initial- ization the author applied the greedy algorithm in Genetic Algorithm.In this greedy permutation approach applied on different problems which are a major concern in the Traveling Salesman Problem and find the better results as compared with an existing method, NF and this system make genetic algorithms much more reliable and efficient than methods which based on random initialization.
Heuristic methods and genetic approaches are the most appropriate ways to solve the travelling salesman problem. Multiple optimal solutions can be obtained for this problem by using various combinations of selection, crossover and mutation techniques. This was found out by Sahib Singh
Juneja et al. [3] who surveyed many approaches and many combinations of genetic operators for this problem and the used combination of genetic operators in this paper is the optimized one among them.
Usually, Traveling Salesman Problem has one element to be evaluated, distance. But in a real condition, other elements are needed to be evaluated like the obstacles. This was done by Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha et al. [4] by classifying the obstacles into 2 categories: fixed and non-fixed. They found that the solution of TSP increases the distance between location, but minimizes the number of the obstacle.
Dr.Sabry M. Abdel-Moetty et al. [5] proposed an algorithm that constructs an offspring from a pair of parents using better edges on the basis of their values that may be present in the parents’ structure maintaining the sequence of nodes in the parent chromosomes.
J. Wang et al. [6] proposed a multi offspring genetic algorithm and how is applicable in solving the Traveling Salesman Problem which we studied and gained many insights from it.
A new genetic cross over operator using greedy approach was proposed by Vinod Jain et al. [7]. The algorithm has been implemented and results are better than existing cross over techniques. We are trying to include it in our method as well. Dantzig, G. et al. [8] gave us more insights about the Traveling Salesman problem and we found answers to many of our queries related to the large scale traveling salesman problem.
Ivan BrezinaJr. et al. [9] studied TSP using ant colony opti- mization and concluded that the quality of solutions depends on the number of ants. The lower number of ants allows the individual to change the path much faster. It works better with lower number of iterations.
To optimize travel routes for a delivery vehicle by using machine learning model predictions. This is a two-component problem: first, train a machine learning model on the data to predict how long it will take a delivery vehicle to go from point one point to another, and then feed these predictions into a genetic algorithm which decides which is the most time efficient visit order for a given set of points.
A. Genetic Algorithm
B. Genetic Operators
The genetic operator in genetic algorithms refers to a tool that guides the algorithm towards a solution to a given problem. They provide the basic search mechanism of the GA.
There are three main types of genetic operators: mutation (creation and maintenance of genetic diversity), crossover (combination of existing solutions into new solutions) and se- lection (choice between solutions), all of which work together in harmony to give the algorithm the best chance of success
A. Data Selection
The very first step is selection of data. This means to gather the information from multiple sources to get an accurate picture of the problem. We are using a Kaggle data set having the data set of taxis in New York.
B. Data Preparation
It is the second step which means to transform the raw data so that it can run through machine learning algorithms to make accurate predictions. The dataset provided by Kaggle is well- processed. The given dataset has each location’s coordinates. By using this, we’ll calculate Manhattan distance to get a sense of direction.
C. Data Analysis
In this phase we analyse the data visually by various visualization tools like Power BI, Tableau , etc.
D. Selecting the right model
As the data and goals are fixed and clear, we need to work with the right model which will give us the desired results. A low variance model is required and we want to add the direction of the route in the form of positive or negative numeric value. A boosted tree is preferred as they work very well with the given data set and they handle good amount of complexity. In addition to that LightGBM is also a good model to work with but when compared to XGboost it’s a bit cumbersome to deal with.
E. Training and Prediction
In this step, the data that we are working with will be used to incredibly improve the model’s ability to predict. Y=m*x+b Y=output M=slope X=input B=Y-intercept As the training progresses, we are closer to an ideal output.
F. Evaluation
The final step is known as evaluation. It involves testing our model against an unknown data or a data that hasn’t been used to train model. This helps us to determine the accuracy of our model.
A. Vehicle Routing Algorithm
An important application of optimization is vehicle routing, in which the goal is to find the shortest route for a fleet of cars to travel between locations, usually by calculating the least amount of total distance or cost. The following are a few examples of routes optimized by optimization.
The problem has attracted a lot of attention all over the world for two basic reasons:
a. The problem appears in a large number of practical situations
b. The problem is theoretically interesting and not at all easy to solve.
B. Traveling Salesman Problem
The travelling salesman problem is a famous optimization problem requiring the least total distant Hamiltonian cycle. The Goal of TSP is to minimize a distance of route or to find the shortest path to visit all of the locations in the given list.
Mathematically traveling salesman problem is formulated as given:
TSP = (G, s, t): G = (V, E)
where G is a complete graph, s is a function
V×V → Z, t Z, G is a graph containing the distance to travel along with the cost which is not greater than t.
There are several methods for solving TSP such as Shortest Path Algorithms, Simple Insertion Algorithms, Elastic Net Methods, Simulating Annealing Algorithms, Ant Algorithms, and Genetic Algorithms. But the popular one among these methods is Genetic Algorithm (GA).
C. Genetic Algorithm
Evolutionary is the idea of GA. The method tries to mimic the process of natural selection. Every population of GA has chromosomes, where each of chromosome contains the infor- mation about the solution. Each of chromosome will evaluate using fitness function. The best fitness function will keep in every generation, and in the last generation chromosome with the best fitness function will be a solution of a problem. Selection finds a pair of offspring that will be used on the crossover. We need mutation to create another opportunity to take out the solution from local optima. Crossover and mutation will create another solution that will replace the worst solution in every generation.
D. LightGBM
E. XGBoost
a. Gradient Boosting
b. Stochastic Gradient Boosting
c. Regularized Gradient Boosting
d. Parallelization of trees and using all CPU cores
e. Distributed Computing
f. Out-of-Core Computing for large datasets
g. Cache Optimization
h. Sparse Aware for working with missing values
i. Block Structure
j. Continued Training
7. After trying out the XGBoost model on our data we found out the mean absolute error to be 4.827394962310791 which is lesser than that of LightGBM and hence we decided to go with XGBoost.
A. Data Selection
The very first step is selection of data. This means to gather the information from multiple sources to get an accurate picture of the problem. We are using a Kaggle data set having the data set of taxis in New York.
B. Data Preparation
It is the second step which means to transform the raw data so that it can run through machine learning algo- rithms to make accurate predictions. The dataset provided by Kaggle is well-processed. The given dataset has each location’s coordinates..After that,we’ve converted datetime strings into datetime.Then we’ll construct other variables like month,date etc.After that,we’ll get latitude and longitude dif- ferences.Then, we’ll convert duration to minutes for easier interpretation.Finally, we’ll convert trip distance from the ob- tained longitude and latitude differences to Manhattan distance to get a sense of direction
C. Data Analysis
In this phase we analyse the data visually by various visualization tools like Power BI, Tableau , etc.
D. Selecting the Right Model
As the data and goals are fixed and clear, we need to work with the right model which will give us the desired results. A low variance model is required and we want to add the direction of the route in the form of positive or negative numeric value. A boosted tree is preferred as they work very well with the given data set and they handle good amount of complexity. In addition to that LightGBM is also a good model to work with but when compared to XGboost it’s a bit cumbersome to deal with.
E. Training Prediction
In this step, the data that we are working with will be used to incredibly improve the model’s ability to predict. Y=m*x+b Y=output M=slope X=input B=Y-intercept As the training progresses, we are closer to an ideal output.
F. Evaluation
The final step is known as evaluation. It involves testing our model against an unknown data or a data that has not been used to train model. This helps us to determine the accuracy of our model.
After putting both prediction models to the test,more basic XGBoost with no meteorological data performed somewhat better than LightGBM, with a mean absolute error of 4.8 minutes vs 4.9 minutes for LightGBM. Used a genetic algorithm to build a sample solution and make a demo after selecting XGBoost and storing the model.
Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a combinatorial opti- mization problem. It is NP-hard, and the most intensely studied problem in the optimization area. But as the number of cities increases, the complexity of the problem increases. Using Genetic Algorithm approach, we have solved the Trav- eling Salesman Problem. The system starts with a matrix of the calculated Euclidean distances between cities to be visited by the travelling salesman and a randomly chosen order for the cities as an initial population.Then, new generations are created repeatedly until a stopping criterion is reached.
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Copyright © 2022 Aishwarya Pardeshi, Shreya Sunil, Yash Kakde, Himaja Namala. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET47264
Publish Date : 2022-11-01
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here