Over the last three years, the state education department has been conducting ‘Kal chachani’ (aptitude test) with the help of Shyamchi Aai Foundation to help students pick their careers after passing the board exams. Until now, the tests were administered online with schools using their computers for the task. However, from the current academic year schools would use smartphones.
After logging into the link-based application with the Unified District Information System for Education number (U-DISE), which is a database of information about schools in India., a list of all the eligible students from the school would appear. Teachers can then administer the test on their phones to students one after the other.
Career selection is the most important decision every student makes in their entire life. A good career decision will help you to achieve a career goal in life & gradually you’ll climb the ladder of success. Your future success depends upon the right choices you make today.
A number of career opportunities are available in India but due to the lack of proper career counselling & guidance students usually, make wrong career selection. Carrier fields helps people to easily organize the different types of labor for easily understanding. Each carrier field has unique requirements and dueties associated with there profession.
Activity will be conducted by the Schools using computer only.
Each student will take part in this activity for a single turn from her/his school as per schedule prepared by the school. It is mandatory to issue a response to each and every statement. If the action is liked then click on ‘Yes’ If the action is disliked then click on ‘No’ If it isn’t possible to decide for sure the click on select ‘Not Sure’/ ‘I can’t say’ No answer or response is considered to be wrong . It is mandatory to issue a response to each and every statement.
The activity carries no Marks and no Grade. No previous preparation or studies required for this activity.
A. Literature Survey
According to Gladwell (2008) and Colvin (2008) often it is difficult to set apart an outstanding performance merely because of talent or simply because of hard training. Talented people as rule show high results immediately in few kinds of activity, but often only in single direction or genre. Online Aptitude Test is a well-known way of evaluating an individual's capability to execute well in given circumstances.
Organizations use a common device as a pre-employment need. It is done by placing together a framework of assessments that evaluate different places such as reasoning, troubleshooting, and language potential. Based on what place an individual is implementing for, online aptitude test can be common or industry- specific. For example, IT roles may have tested items that evaluate your information in on-line.
Is this test worth the try? Job mismatch is one of the sad reasons why workers step down from their roles. After having gone through the career process, and after a few months or even several weeks on the job, an individual may understand that, it is not quite the job; he or she was looking for.
The financial commitment of your energy and effort, sources, and training actions all go to spend in such circumstances. Online aptitude test is valuable, to both the worker and the company. Personal objectives, working style, options, and social skills are all part of what the assessments can evaluate. In order to get precise information and test outcome, solutions to concerns must be sincere without much thought on what your response may indicate.
A. Hardware
Processor – Quad core 2.0 Ghz onwords Hard Disk – Min 50Gb
RAM – Min 2G
Software – xampp server, Notepad++
Language – PHP, html, css, JavaScript server and I am a new style isbest I thinkday and optionsnew favorite what
B. Modules
Admin Login
Submit Question with choice category
Student register and Login
Start Exam with random Question answers
Exam end
Result analysis calculate selected choice
Predict Result
C. Drawbacks
Manually calculate grade and decision.
Human error because of manual process.
If any error in manual process it’s affect on student career.
Test and database management it’s not easy.
Current so it’s not possible for all student.
D. Login
This module has a drop-down list box from where we have to select Admin
The ADMIN has all the rights in the software including updating the status of his site. If the username and password are correct then it is directed to next page.
Admin Panel:After logging in the admin will be redirected to admin-panel from where the admin can Publish or Delete products. The admin can customize the website too. By clicking to the profile icon the admin can edit profile and also logout from admin-panel.
New User:This module is for the users who do not have their account. Here user is allowed to create an account to login. The account creation is done by filling the registration form with user details such as name, phone, email etc.
E. Login/Registration
Once the user visits to the website or homepage, he/she needs to logins into the system. Login page consists of two things- one is the admin and other is student. If the user is already registered then he can proceed for test ,if the user is not registered needs to enter the details and has to login again into the system. Admin Login consist of various functions like adding questions, editing questions, deleting the questions, he can also view registered candidates.
Student login consist of applying for test and if needed can also change the password. User/Admin gets logged out once the task is completed and session gets ended.
Since the proposed project is targeted only for the HSC and SSC students, there still remains a wide scope for growth. In the future more functionality can be added which will facilitate the stream analysis of students from various different streams and majors. Some of the streams which can be added in the future are Engineering, medical, MBA etc. For example an engineering student can give an online aptitude test to determine which specialization he\she should pursue his BE degree in example Civil Mechanical, CSE etc.
In this website there is a provision where students will have a platform, to test their skills in different streams to see what they actually excel in. We will try to develop a system that will be free from errors, developed with much care and at the same time more efficient and less time consuming. The positive point of our website is that it will guide students to select a more appropriate stream depending on their scores in the aptitude tests containing questions from different streams, Thus the system suggests the students which stream is best suited for him/her, as their scores indicate their level of interest, skill and knowledge in that particular stream. The important thing is that this system can be used in schools, colleges, coaching and institutes, can also be implemented in different organizations that conduct regular exams. Also provision is provided for future developments in the system i.e., more modules could be added to the system. This online system will be approved and implemented soon.