Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Mr. K. E. Sai Krishnan, Dr. M. Thinesh Kumar
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.42350
Certificate: View Certificate
The concept of women working in Indian heritage environment has always been challenging and much more of those women working in police force. A study of this research covered the challenges being faced by women police in CHENNAI South India. This research addressed the challenges on women police family bonding, women police stress, and health. A survey is conducted with 104 police personnel to perform quantitative analysis
Work-life balance of an employee is to find out the different ways to balance the challenging demands of work and home when both coincide. Work–life and family life are interdependent and interconnected. It?s very important to balance both, with regard to time and work management. Nowadays, it becomes very common for highly qualified professionals to strike a balance between work and family life. Employees have a wide range of responsibilities that have to be attended too at home and work place. When these responsibilities are improperly fulfilled due to several reasons, work-life imbalance presents itself
A. Statement of the Problem
Increasing demands at work and home make women employees to experience work life imbalance, it is a result of social and organizational level doing. Women endure lack of spouse’s trust, minimal support from family members, nature of work, disturbances in work place and prevailing work system which causes work life imbalance. In addition to that women in the police service undergo work pressure due to inflexible timings, male dominance and frequent public interaction
B. Need for the Study
The purpose of police is to maintain law and order in the society. The police force protects the society from criminals and rescue people in case of any emergency. Several aspects such as the 24 hour availability, unscheduled work hours and administrative problems etc. increase work pressure and stress among police, especially women police. Though they undergo major problems of being in this service they do not have a good image in the eyes of the public. Police constables feel that they work under great pressure where the job’s nature is challenging and uncertain yet the public seems to never realize it and they always expect more.
C. Objective Of The Study
To understand the personal and organizational profile of Tamil Nadu women police employees. To identify enhancing dimensions of work-life balance of women police employees in Tamil Nadu.
To analyses affecting dimensions of work-life balance of Tamil Nadu womenpolice employees. To find out the relationship among factors enhancing and affecting work life dimensions and job satisfaction.
Greenhouse J.H. and Betel N.J. (1985)1 observed in their study different facets of work– family conflict based on time, stress and behavior. Time-based conflict arises when more time is spent on family whereas very less time is left for work and vice versa. Stress-based conflict suggests that strain experienced in one role interferes in another role. Behavior-based conflict takes place when specific behaviors required in one role disagree with behavioral expectation inanother role
A.. Research Design
This research is empirical in nature. The structured questionnaire used in this research study was constructive and scheduled in nature. Questionnaire has been prepared with due care by giving importance to all questions regarding personal profile, organizational profile, factors enhancing and affecting WLB with respect to work life and family life, factors related to job satisfaction and family life satisfaction, remedial measures to overcome work life imbalance.
B. Sampling Technique
Convenience sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample and the data has been collected.
C. Sources Of Data
The targeted respondents for primary data were women police constables of Chennai city. The primary data have been collected through the closed end structuredquestionnaire framed in regional language (Tamil). The Secondary data had been gathered from various journals, published articles etc.
D. Structure Of The Questionaire
In this questionnaire we follow basic and simple way. Hence it is easy for participants’ respondents of the questionnaire without delay or confusion. Set of questions prepare in questionnaire constructed on the based questions. In structure of questionnaire used in this project as follows
E. Data Analysis Tools
The researcher calculated distribution value of variables with the help ofusing frequency distribution.
Regression analysis has been applied to find out the relationship betweendependent and independent variable of women police.
Non Parametric Chi-square test is applied to find out the association amongwork-life balance, job satisfaction and family life satisfaction.
F. Limitations of the Study
The researcher has taken all possible care to avoid errors in data collection. In spite of all the efforts of the researcher in this study, there are few limitations. The primary limitation of this research is that the sample size of the research is restricted to 519 and it it collected only from Chennai city for the study of work - life balance of women employees at police service. Therefore, conclusions drawn may not be suitable for other districts facing other problems
As we mentioned, the analytical tools used for project of qualitative variables and it is used for the measuring the level of satisfaction on the survey using the range scale. Also we mentioned where the survey directly participants for their response for the questionnaire. The questionnaire will have framed according to order hypothesis test using Paired T-Test, Chi- square test and One-way ANOVA. These questions framed of quantitative data as survey of qualitative data.
A. Paired T-Test Question
The two question using in Paired
T-Test that is gender and age Solution. Hypothesis:
Null hypothesis (HO): There is no significant difference between the gender and age.
Alternate hypothesis(H1): There is significant difference between the gender and age.
B. One Way Anova Test
One way anova compares the means of two or more independent group in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that is associated population means. One way Anova is a parametric test.
Null hypothesis(HO): There is no significance difference between the means.
Alternate Hypothesis(H1):There is significance difference between the mean.
Table 4.6 shows the respondents? reasons for choosing the police service as their career.
26.9% of the respondents revealed that they had chosen this police service because of their childhood dream 15.38% of the respondents stated that they selected this field due to all reasons like inspiration, childhood dream, challenging career, to serve the society, compassionate ground, package and benefit and for beingin government service. 11.5% of the respondents had chosen this career with the intention
11.8% of the respondents had chosen police service because of the inspirationtowards police service. 10.4% of the respondents selected this job as they feel it as a challenging career. 8.5% of the respondents have opted for this as it is a government services. 5.4% of the respondents decided police service as their career because ofthe package and benefit vest with the service. 4.6% of the respondents are in the police service as they received this job on compassionate grounds.
It is obvious that majority of the respondents (26.8%) had a childhood dream for this job and stated this job as dream job. From the obtained frequency table it is indicated that childhood dream, all the mentioned reasons, to serve the society and personal inspiration have been much considered by the respondents while choosing police career.
Table 4.7 exhibits the cadres of employment of the respondents in the police service. 48.5 % are employed as Grade I Constable, 28.5% of the respondents fall in the category of Grade II Constable and 23. % of the respondents are Head Constabl
Table 4.8 explains the number of years of experience of women police officers. 41.64 % of the respondents have work experience of 5 – 10 years, 22.41% of the respondents have 3 -5 years of experience, 22.41% of the respondents have 1– 3 years of experience, 11% of the respondents have experience above 10 years and 2.88% of respondents have experience less than 1 year. The majority of the respondents of women police personnel experience lies between 5 – 10 years, which shows thatthe women police are well experienced in their service.
The table (4.12) explains the number of working hours of the women police officers. 96.2% of the women respondents of police stated that they work for more than 12 hours a day. 1.9% of the respondents given that they work for 10-12 hours a day. 1.9% of the respondents stated that the work less than 8 hours a day. Almost 96.2% of the respondents indicated that they work more than the normal working hours. This shows that women police spend maximum time at work place andwomen employees have very less time for family which leads to family life dissatisfaction.
Majority of police personnel (75.3%) falling the age group of less than 30 years. It has been found that 48.4% of the respondents have acquired higher secondary educational qualification. The frequency analysis shows that 60.3% of the respondents of women police are married. Married women are given more priority and importance. It also proves that married women in police service are higher in authority while compared to other marital statuses of women. With respect to family type, 58% of the respondents of women police constables fall under joint family category.
With regard to number of children, 41.2% of the women police constables stated that they have no children and 1.3% stated that they have 3 or more children. Though the number of children is less, women police are able to strike a good balance between their work life and family life.
The majority of the respondents (26.8%) revealed that they had chosen this police service because it had been their dream since their childhood while
4.6% of the respondents are in the police service as it is their passion. This study shows that women police constables have chosen their career with plenty of interest and as a result of childhood aspirations. With regard to designation of police personnel 48.7% are employed as grade I constables and 22.7 % of the respondents are.head.constables
The analysis reveals that 41.4% of the women employees have work experience of 5 – 10 years and 2.3 % of respondents have experience of less than 1 year. Police employees are well experienced as they manage work andfamily lives on a loop, constantly. As per the location of the work place, 77.3% of the police personnel have been located in urban areas whereas 22.7% of the respondents work in semi-urban places.
The mobility of police is more important and it causes issues which significantly affect WLB.
The analysis shows that 32% of the women constables revealed that theytake 30 min - 1 hour to reach their workplace. With regard to annual income 66.3% of the constables stated that they earn less than Rs.2 lakhs annually. 99.2% of the respondents of women police stated that they work for more than 12 hours a day. Police job typically requires 24 hours availability astheir presence is 100% required at all times of emergencies.
A. To the Police Department
Major problem faced by women police is long working hours. Due to unpredictable work situations, police constables have to work for long hours and their presence is especially important in cases of emergencies. In order to overcome this issue, police department has to be requirement of police personnel and sort out the demand supply gap of police.
The research work is entitled “Work-life balance of women employees in Tamil Nadu police service- with special reference to Chennai city”. It covers the personal profile and factors relating to work life and family life of women employees. It focuses on organisational profile which deals with their work experience and factors which influenced them to choose this Police service.
In today’s economy, survival and economic well-being of family depends upon the earning capacity of the family members. This kind of fierce situation pushesboth male and female to find out ways to make a living. Employment opportunities are also available for men and women at different work levels. Women empowerment is proved by attaining economic, professional and personal excellence.
Copyright © 2022 Mr. K. E. Sai Krishnan, Dr. M. Thinesh Kumar . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET42350
Publish Date : 2022-05-07
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here